Saturday, May 12, 2012

Come Travel With Me

Two of my greatest passions are travel and photography. I have a photography blog, but was inspired to start one for travel as well. I will share tips, travel related news, photos, reviews, and anything else that might spark my interest that I feel will be useful or just plain fun for others who adore travel as much as I do.

As the daughter of a U.S. Diplomat, I was blessed to have been born and raised all over the world, and have lived in and visited many countries.  Having lived in so many different lands I now have what I consider gypsy blood.  If I had the chance I would pack a bag and go- whether by car, plane or train.  There are still so many places in the world, and even right here in the U.S., that I have yet to explore, but I hope some day to have that pleasure.

I invite you to take the journey with  me.

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